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How to Choose an Online Personal Coach or Trainer

Let’s be honest for a moment:

You’re interested in working with an online coach, but you feel trapped and overwhelmed. Why? Because of the sheer number of options out there.

Go to most fitness blogs today, and you’re bound to see a coaching page promoting fitness training services. And the worst part? Many of these options seem solid enough.

So you’re left wondering who to hire and why.

Luckily, there are several things you need to pay attention to when deciding who to pick as an online personal coach or trainer. Let’s see what these are.


Do They Walk The Talk?


The most important thing to consider is the potential coaches’ attitude toward what they teach. Do they practice what they teach? Are they in good shape themselves? Is there a way for you to see that?
For instance, if you’re looking for a coach to help you lose fat, build muscle, and become more athletic, are the people fit themselves?

This might not seem all that important, but it plays a vital role in helping trainers understand fitness better. What struggles you may face, what exercises might benefit you, and more. There is a lot of nuance to fitness, and the greater the coaches’ exposure to it, the more likely they are to help you.

Ask yourself this:

Would you take financial advice from a car mechanic? No, right? Then why take fitness advice from a person who doesn’t practice what they preach?


Is There Any Social Proof?


Social proof is by no means the only thing you should look at. But, we are social creatures, and we intuitively trust the collective opinion of people. If many people vouch for a particular product or service, we are more likely to get it for ourselves.

For instance, when you go on Amazon to buy something, which products do you gravitate toward? The ones with 76 reviews and an average rating of 3.6 out of 5 or those with hundreds, even thousands of 5-star reviews? If you’re like most people, it’s the latter.

Social proof is also necessary when looking for an online personal coach. For instance, look for positive reviews and testimonials. See what other people say about them on forums and discussion boards. Do your research before investing.


Do They Offer Free Content For Visitors?


There are plenty of good companies that don’t have a blog or Youtube channel. But if the person you want to hire offers free content, this tells you two things:

First, it tells you they love to provide value to visitors for free. They are not afraid to share their knowledge, even if many of the people who consume it never buy from them. Second, it displays their expertise in a particular area. Simply consuming their content can tell you a lot about their expertise level, attention to detail, mindset, and understanding of fitness.

So, be mindful of this and look at what free content – if any – they offer.


Are They Interested In Learning About Your Situation?


Okay, you’ve done your research, and you’ve stopped at a potential online coach. What’s next? Well, contact them and have a chat. Take notice of their interest level and how many questions they ask.

A good coach understands the value of learning about a client before recommending a training or eating plan. They know we are all different, and no single solution will work great for everyone. They should ask you questions about your fitness history, training preferences, short and long-term goals, past injuries, and more.

If the coach you contact has a quick chat with you, asks a few basic questions like “What payment method works best for you?” and proceeds to get started, move on and find another, more invested coach.

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